Taste: The chocolate icing is not sweet at all, and slightly bitter, and I don't care for it. The chocolate cake, however, tastes like a perfect chocolate cake-- chocolatey but sweet, so mouthwatering, truly one of the best chocolate cakes I've tasted, and could be enjoyed alone. And in the case of this cupcake, is much BETTER enjoyed alone-- the white cream filling is GROSS! The white cream filling inside is TART, as opposed to sweet, and tastes strange, SOUR, like something might be seriously wrong with it, because how could a baker intend for it to taste so unpleasant? Why would a baker fill a Hostess-style cupcake with sour filling? Have the insides curdled? I am perplexed, and displeased. Overall Taste Rating: 2 out of 5 sprinkles (the amazing chocolate cake saved this from a 0 or 1 rating for the abominable cream filling).
Texture: The chocolate icing on top is thick and fudgy. The texture of the chocolate cake is PERFECT-- fluffy and moist, absolutely wonderful. The texture of the cream filling is slightly congealed and gelatinous. Overall Texture Rating: 3 out of 5 sprinkles (the chocolate cake on this is PERFECTION!)
Aesthetic: Not a bad-looking cupcake! The "W" on top (for 'wichcraft) is a cute alternative to the standard Hostess cupcake squiggle on top and stamps a nice 'wichcraft signature on top! The symmetry on this cupcake isn't perfect, but the cake and chocolate icing have a nice deep brown color and the icing on top has a beautiful sheen. Overall Aesthetic Rating: 4.5 out of 5 sprinkles
Satisfaction: The gross sour filling on this, coupled with the bitter frosting, made this a total cupcake killer. BUT, the chocolate cake element was WONDERFUL, and I picked away all the icing and cream filling with a fork and then ate the delicious cake all by itself! 'wichcraft has a fantastic chocolate cake recipe here, and if they could just improve their icing and cream filling, they would be equipped to create delicious cupcakes! However, as a complete cupcake, this left a lot to be desired. Overall Satisfaction Rating: 2 out of 5 sprinkles
Overall Cupcake Ranking: 11.5 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)
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