Thursday, June 11, 2009

Two Little Red Hens White Frosting on Chocolate Cake

Two Little Red Hens White Frosting on Chocolate Cake,, $3.95 from Food Emporium

The white frosting is strange-- I don't think it's buttercream, nor is it vanilla, it tastes very plain and actually tastes sort of like unsweetened whipped cream. Definitely NOT sweet enough for me, I am not a huge fan. The little sprinkles on top add some much needed sweetness, but the frosting should really be coated in them instead of only topped with a few. The chocolate cake taste is okay-- boring though, not very sweet, not very flavorful at all. This is a sadly flavorless cupcake all around. And ick, with a slightly bitter aftertaste to the cake, I'm now discovering. Two Little Red Hens should stick to their delicious cream cheese frosting! Overall Taste Rating: 1 out of 5 sprinkles

Texture: The icing might be tasteless, but it's fluffy and light and perfectly smooth. The cake is lacking in taste as well, but the texture is OK-- in the center not very moist but not really dry either, very medium, although it's too dry around the edges. Overall Texture Rating: 2.5 out of 5 sprinkles

Aesthetic: This cupcake is a nice size, and very symmetrical and even, with a nicely swirled icing application. However, from looking at the cupcake, it wasn't making my mouth water-- it didn't look like fresh baked deliciousness-- in fact, it closely resembled the look of a packaged storebought cupcake. Despite the aesthetic precision, looking at the cupcake doesn't evoke drool over it. It doesn't look fresh baked, and something about the frosting looks very artificial to me. Overall Aesthetic Rating: 3 out of 5 sprinkles

Kind of a bummer on this cupcake after how much I loved the Two Little Red Hens Red Velvet! I was very disappointed. And especially for $3.95, on the higher end of cupcake pricing, I was bummed this cupcake was easy to toss into the garbage. Not very satisfying at all! Overall Satisfaction Rating: 2 out of 5 sprinkles

Overall Cupcake Ranking: 8.5 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)

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