Amy's Bread Chocolate Frosting on Vanilla Cake, $2.50,, 9th Ave and 46th Street
Taste: My first thought when I taste the chocolate frosting is that it tastes like real milk chocolate. Most other chocolate frostings I've tried taste like either cocoa powder or bittersweet chocolate, but this tastes like delicious milk chocolate, sweet while at the same time ultra-chocolatey. It's so chocolatey it definitely requires the accompaniment of a glass of milk, but luckily I'm prepared with milk to wash down the chocolate goodness! The flavor of the vanilla cake is also fantastic-- it's lightly sweet, with a nice vanilla flavor, so tasty that it could be enjoyed alone without frosting! (Something that won't have to be done with this particular cupcake given the great quantity of icing it has!) Overall Taste Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Sprinkles!
Texture: The frosting is very soft and smooth, and the cake is slightly moist and a bit spongey, like a sponge cake. I like the textures in my mouth, but the cake is a little bit crumbly and I make a slight mess in eating the cupcake. Overall Texture Rating: 4 out of 5 Sprinkles
Aesthetic: This cupcake is a beauty! The frosting has a rich chocolate brown color with a nice gloss to it, and it is generously applied in a perfectly even swirl, with a few sprinkles adorning it for decoration. The frosting is so generously applied that the cake part is small in comparison, a little stump holding up a a giant heap of frosting! Overall Aesthetic Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Sprinkles
Satisfaction: This cupcake was very tasty!! It was also a large cupcake, and at $2.50, the same price charged for many smaller cupcakes at other bakeries, I felt it was an excellent value. I would definitely return to Amy's Bread for more cupcakes anytime! It looked great, tasted great, and the price was right!! Overall Satisfaction Rating: 5 out of 5 Sprinkles!
Overall Cupcake Ranking: 18 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)
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