Magnolia Bakery Chocolate Frosting on Vanilla Cake,, $2.50 each
Taste: The chocolate frosting was very tasty-- sweet but the sweetness was tempered by the cocoa powder for a pleasant overall flavor, although savoring the frosting in my mouth I could distinctly taste the components that made up the icing: butter, confectioner's sugar and cocoa powder. But the vanilla cake was disappointing-- dry, flavorless, not sweet at all. Luckily, eaten together, the chocolate frosting taste was overpowering, and therefore quite tasty! Overall Taste Rating: 4 out of 5 sprinkles
Texture: The chocolate frosting's texture was excellent-- smooth, creamy, not too dense, light and soft. The cake texture unfortunately was dry and crumbly and really ruined things. Overall Texture Rating: 3 out of 5 sprinkles
Aesthetic: Although the cupcakes have that cute homemade look that makes everyone nostalgic about childhood cupcake-eating, the execution on this cupcake was sloppy-- the cake was lopided and the icing wasn't applied particularly evenly. The chocolate frosting did have a nice, rich chocolate color that I appreciated, and from an aerial view the frosting was beautifully swirled. Overall Aesthetic Rating: 3 out of 5 sprinkles
Satisfaction: Overall, the yumminess of the chocolate frosting is what saved this cupcake and led to my decent satisfaction with it, although the cake part was borderline inedible. Overall Satisfaction Rating: 4 out of 5 sprinkles
Cupcake Ranking: 14 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)
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