Kyotofu Mini Green Tea Cupcake, about $1.08 (3 for $3.25),, 9th Ave and 48th Street
So, in my book, a cupcake without any sort of frosting isn't really a cupcake at all-- it's either a muffin, or a loaf cake, or a souffle, but not a cupcake-- but since Kyotofu brands and markets their frosting-less cupcakes as "cupcakes," they have consented to the jurisdiction of and it is my duty to sample them. It should also be noted that I'm a person who loves green tea, though I've never had a green tea baked good before.
Taste: This tastes like a muffin. It's not sweet enough to be a cupcake or a cake. The green tea adds complexity to the otherwise bland taste, but it's unpleasant and doesn't work well for a sweet. It has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Overall Taste Rating: 1 out of 5 sprinkles
Texture: Very moist and slightly chewy. Overall Texture Rating: 3 out of 5 sprinkles.
Aesthetic: This is one ugly "cupcake" with its bright green hue and uneven brown icing-less top. Overall Aesthetic Rating: 0 out of 5 sprinkles.
Satisfaction: This was totally gross. I love green tea, but I'll stick with drinking it in liquid form, not in baked good form. Overall Satisfaction Rating: 1 out of 5 sprinkles.
Overall Cupcake Ranking: 5 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)
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