Buttercup Bake Shop Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcake, buttercupbakeshop.com, $2.25 each
I love PB&J, but would I love it in cupcake form?
Taste: Pleasantly delicious! The icing had a distinct peanut butter flavor, and yet was also sweet and was clearly icing and not peanut butter-- I would guess they took vanilla icing and blended it with real peanut butter to create the flavor. The vanilla cake was unremarkable, but it didn't need to be, because the awesome peanut flavor of the icing and the yummy jelly found in the center of the cupcake made the cake just our bread-like vehicle for PB&J deliciousness! I think the jelly in the center was grape, and it was sweet but balanced nicely by the not-very-sweet cake and peanut butter frosting. Overall Taste Rating: 5 out of 5 sprinkles!!
Texture: The icing unfortunately had a major grittiness due to the fact that real peanuts were ground into it (or chunky peanut butter was used in its creation)! Points for authenticity, but the grittiness ruined the icing's texture a little bit for me. The jelly in the center nicely moistened the cake, which otherwise was a little dry. Overall Texture Rating: 4 out of 5 sprinkles
Aesthetic: From the outside, unfortunately, this was not the most attractive cupcake-- it just didn't look very appetizing. I think the pictures above demonstrate this cupcake's plainness and lack of beauty. Overall Aesthetic Rating: 2 out of 5 sprinkles
Satisfaction: My main complaint was that there was not enough jelly in the middle! I was left craving more jelly, and after eating the delicious jelly center was left with a PB cupcake lacking in J! But the jelly-included bites were utterly delish! Overall Satisfaction Rating: 4 out of 5 sprinkles
Overall Cupcake Ranking: 15 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)
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