Taste: OMG, after sampling the disappointing Magnolia and Buttercup vanilla on vanilla cupcakes, I thought I was too nauseated to possibly enjoy another cupcake. But Crumbs really came through in the clutch. The icing was perfect-- I'd love to know how they do it, but it struck the perfect balance of being sweet yet light, and actually tasted vanilla (whereas the Buttercup and Magnolia frostings just tasted the flavor of sugar with no hint of vanilla). The cake also hit the mark on taste perfection-- the cake easily could stand alone as a delicious cake with no need of icing, and yet with the icing and cake together it just tasted like heaven! The flavors together were just perfect. Overall Taste Rating: 5 out of 5 sprinkles!!!
Texture: The icing was creamy and melt-in-my-mouth delectable, and the cake was perfectly moist and yet light and not too dense. The icing and cake together made for a perfect combination in my mouth! Overall Texture Rating: 5 out of 5 sprinkles!!!
Aesthetic: The cupcake was really big, perfectly even, and the icing was creamy and heaped over an inch high on top in a perfect swirl. Rather than haphazardly scattered sprinkles on top, the sprinkles were neatly arranged in a circle around the edge, creating a border, and the rainbow sprinkles were densely packed together, yet the non-sprinkled middle of the circle remained pure white with icing. Now that's precision! Overall Aesthetic Rating: 5 out of 5 sprinkles!!!
Satisfaction: There was one disappointment with my Crumbs cupcake-- in the past, when I've had large Crumbs cupcakes, inside there has been a delicious shot of extra frosting in the middle! But today, my Crumbs cupcake only had cake in the middle. Luckily, there was so much icing heaped on the top of the cupcake that the icing-to-cupcake ratio was great just as it was. The cupcake was so large it was enough to save the rest for one, if not two, snacks later on. And at $2.95, compared to $2.50 for the smaller and inferior Magnolia and $2.25 for the smaller and inferior Buttercup, I felt it was a great value for my money! I feel 100% satisfied! Overall Satisfaction Rating: 5 out of 5 sprinkles!!!
Cupcake Ranking: 20 Sprinkles (out of 20 possible)!!!!!!!!!! This cupcake can enter the Cupcake Hall of Fame as our first Perfect Scoring 20 Sprinkle Cupcake: The Quintessential Cupcake!
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